FAQ, Perks & Schedule

A Helpful List
of Things

Tea Party Perks

Asked Questions

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Below you'll find useful info on everything InkOfViolet...

If you're looking for details on Card Collecting or custom Teabos, visit the Cards Guide.

Why the name ‘Ink Of Violet’?

Ink comes from my love of illustration - primarily line work, and my name is Violet, but you can call me Vi or V if you'd like!

Where are you from?

I’m from the East of England, in the UK.

Who is Sam?

Sam (@RatsClan) is my husband, best friend and teammate.

He's the creator and talent behind all design and workings of my website and overlays. He's also the tech issue resolver and deliverer of goodies!

Who and what is Rune?

Rune is our long doggo who we adopted in January 2020. He’s a Sighthound (a Lurcher of unknown Greyhound / Whippet mix) and we think he was about a year old when we rescued him.

You can see more pictures of Rune here.

You might catch a glimpse of him on dog-cam if you redeem Rune Roulette with your Channel Points!

Who and what is a Teabo?

We drink a lot of tea during streams - and over the years Chat gave inspiration to "Teabo Baggins", our flavourful mascot tea bag. He has since evolved into many "Teabos". He is not a towel, nor is he a Pop-Tart.

To see more of Teabo, check out Season 0. You can also create your very own, custom Teabo and they'll appear throughout the stream! Your character will even react to your emotes and messages.

It's like VTubing but for Twitch Chat... VChatting!

How long have you been streaming or partnered for?

I’ve been streaming full-time, five days a week, since around February 2017.

I became a Twitch Partner in February 2021.

What do you usually stream?

Art and video games are what you’ll usually find me streaming, although there are sometimes board game and crafting sessions too!

Join my Discord to keep up to date with streams!

What games do you tend to play?

I play a variety of games from indie to AAA, old to new. They're mostly Puzzle, Survival, City-builders, RTS and RPGs - anything with chill or thought-provoking vibes.

I occasionally dip into Horror during Halloween and out-of-hour streams too!

Do you play multiplayer games?

I tend to focus on playing solo, even for online or multiplayer based titles. This is a personal preference and a deliberate choice I make for my streams.

Can I help you with a game?

I prefer to go into my games completely blind and with no help if possible.

If I get really stuck, I may specifically ask for tips. Look out for the question mark that appears above my head.

Where does my Twitch Subscription and support go to?

All financial support from my Twitch and Ko-fi is extremely appreciated and goes towards being able to continue streaming and the upkeep of my website.

With all extra financial support I'm able to continue introducing more innovative and fun features to InkOfViolet.

How can I support you outside of the stream?

You can follow me on Instagram for art posts.

Feel free to join in the discussion on our Discord, where we chat about all sorts of things!

You can also follow me and send tips via Ko-fi.

Do you take art commissions?

I currently do not take on commissions, however I'm always finding inspiration for my next Card Set - let me know in Discord what you'd like to see me create!

What art tools and materials do you use?

Digitally, I use Procreate on an iPad Pro.

Traditionally, I use watercolour, gouache and inks.

Did you go to art school or take drawing classes?

No, I’m self taught over many years and still learning!

I'm hoping that the Seasons I create for InkOfViolet will document my art journey and that you'll be able to follow along with my progression.

Who made your website and overlays?

Sam and I made all of this! All design, development, animation and illustration. To find out more about the InkOfViolet project you can check out the about us page.

Our "Ink of Violet" typographic logo was designed by the lovely Studio Buchanan (@JonnyBchn)

The music and sound effects we use are from a variety of sources. Visit the Soundtrack page for more details.

How is it possible to sign in with no password? Is it secure?

This is intended by design, and it's one less password for you to worry about!

The InkOfViolet website uses a secure embedded Twitch Chat, so that all interactions are completed through commands.

"Signing In" on the website doesn't really authorise anything, it just adds a menu to help you find your personal Collection and Teabo. When you go to interact with things, the commands are then ready for you to copy and paste into Chat.

Super simple and super secure!

What happens if I change my username on Twitch?

The InkOfViolet platform uses Twitch IDs to associate Cards and Items with Twitch accounts, so you're collection will be kept safe!

After changing your Twitch username, you'll need to interact with the InkOfViolet platform at least once for it to appear (by changing your alias, updating your Teabo, trading an item, redeeming a Pack, burning a Card, etc.)

Something on the website looks wrong? I think I've found a bug!?

We try our best and work very hard to fix bugs! Please create a post in the dedicated "Bugs and Issues" Discord Forum, following the guidelines.

The website is fully responsive for all screen sizes; retina, laptop, tablet or mobile - but for the full experience we recommend Google Chrome on a desktop computer.

Sam also keeps track of all updates within Discord in our "Patch Notes" channel.

Can I buy or sell Cards or Teabo items with money?

No, the Card platform is based solely on Twitch Channel Points and there is no monetary value to Cards, Packs, Teabo items or anything else. This is just a fun way to engage and share my artwork!

Collecting Cards and customising a character is free for everyone joining the stream.

Does the platform use NFTs or AI?

My artwork has not been used or associated with any NFT or AI service.

If you think that you've seen any of my work being used without my permission, please contact me.

The Cards platform does not use Blockchain and has been developed by Sam using a traditional tech stack with carbon-neutral hosted servers.

Can I share the Cards in my collection or print them?

Please share links to my website, including your collection page or favourite Card Set!

However, my artwork is intended to be used solely for the purpose of the Cards platform on the InkOfViolet website and my Twitch stream. Do not directly use or share any files or images to any third-party website or service. For more information on this, please read our Terms.

I've seen your artwork being used by someone else!?

If you think that you've seen any of my work being used without my permission, please contact me via the contact form.

Do you have any merchandise or physical Cards?

Currently, I don't have any merchandise available - we're open to sponsorships and services that meet our requirements. Please get in contact if this is something you can provide!

Can I collect Cards without them appearing on-stream?

Yes! We understand that lurking on Twitch is a way of life.

If you'd prefer to have your Teabo or Card Packs not appear during the stream, use the command !hidden in Twitch Chat. You can then use the command a second time to toggle back to them appearing.

Please read the full Commands list for more details.

Can I delete my profile and collection?

You can, but please be sure that you're certain as this cannot be undone.

Use !deleteme as a command in Twitch Chat and then follow the confirmation. This deletes all of your statistics, Cards collection and Teabo items.

Please read the full Commands list for more details.

How do I subscribe for free with Amazon Prime?

With Prime Gaming, you get one free Twitch channel subscription each month! Click the Subscribe button to begin.

If you're not currently using Prime, you'll see a shortcut to start your trial at the bottom of the pop-up window.